MgO Thermocouple Pipe Wells with Self-Contained, Spring-Loaded Elements and Optional Transmitters
Does not ship to OH, United States
MgO-insulated pipe well assemblies can be used as a less expensive alternative to thermowell assemblies in a number of low-pressure and high-temperature applications including: Incineration, Boilers, Power Generation, Low-velocity Piping Systems and Holding Tanks.
Thermocouple Type
- Type J, K, E, T, N
Sheath Diameter
- 1/4"
Sheath Material
- Alloy 600
- 316 Stainless Steel
Junction Type
- Ungrounded
- Grounded
Pipe Material
- Alloy 600, 601
- 446 Stainless Steel
- 316 Stainless Steel
- Carbon Steel
- HR 160
Pipe Size
- 1/2" NPT, 3/4" NPT
Welded Fitting
- 2" 150# Classraised-face flange
- 1-1/2" 150# Classraised-face flange
- 1" 150# Class raised-face flange
- 2" NPT welded bushing
- 1-1/2" NPT welded bushing
- 1-1/4" NPT welded bushing
- 1" NPT welded bushing
- 3/4" NPT welded bushing
Head Material
- Aluminum
- Case Iron
- 316L Stainless Steel