Return and Exchange Policy Updated: Apr 05, 2023

Most purchases can be returned or exchanged for up to either 30 days from the date of purchase, depending on the type of product, and the condition of its return. For product-specific return and exchange policies, please see the list below.

Order alterations, including cancellations and changes in specifications, are subject to charges determined by Process Technology, Inc..

New Standard Products may be returned within 60 days of shipment with prior approval and the assignment of a Return Materials Authorization (RMA) Number provided by Process Technology, Inc.. This RMA Number must be present on all of the return documentation. RMA Numbers are valid for 30 days from issue. The equipment is subject to a restocking charge and the customer is responsible for charges incurred to and from their shipping destination.

Custom, Non-Cancellable, Non-Returnable, Non-Refundable and Sales Center Products, modified products, products which have been used, or products which have been shipped more than 60 days prior, are not returnable.

At Process Technology, Inc., your satisfaction is always guaranteed. We know it's sometimes necessary to return or exchange an item. We want to make it easy. Return or exchange your items by courier. An RMA is required.

Returns or Exchanges by Courier in Two Easy Steps
Contact us to request an RMA number. In order to expedite your return, please include your order number.

Ship Your Return or Exchange to Process Technology, Inc.

Please note that when shipping your return to Process Technology, Inc., you are responsible for all shipping costs. Ship your return or exchange to the following address:

Returns   1955 W. Industrial Cir, Salt Lake City, Utah 84104 United States

If you request an exchange, please provide your shipping account# for the item we ship to you. Our preferred shipping option of UPS allows you to track your return online.

For the fastest service, call Customer Service at +1 (801) 264-1114 to request an exchange or simply place a new order online or by phone. We'll need to charge you the purchase price, but once we receive your return, we'll credit you for the cost of the original item.

Returning Items Delivered by Freight
If you discover a problem after you've accepted delivery, please contact us at +1 (801) 264-1114. We may be able to resolve the problem without requiring you to return the item. Please retain all packaging material until you're completely satisfied with the condition and performance of your purchase. Doing so will make it easier to return the item if necessary. If you do wish to return or exchange an item, please contact us at +1 (801) 264-1114.